Monday, July 28, 2008

Please pray for Coleman....

Hey Everyone,
Please take time to go to the "CarePage" site listed below. This is the updates for a little 4 year old boy I have been following on "" for about a year now. He was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma on Sept. 21, 2006 at the age of 2 1/2. He went through 12 chemo treatments and one year to the date of diagnosis, he relapsed. They discontinued chemo. And began 7 weeks of radiation, followed by a complete cell transplant. He was cleared of cancer around April of this year and looking forward to kindergarten in the fall. Until, last week, July 23 he relapsed for the 2nd time. This little boy is wise beyond his years... As of now he hasn't been told of this 2nd relapse, but he often tells his twin brother and parents..."never
div (give) up!" I don't know about you, but I can't "div up" either.
Please, put this little guy and his family on your daily prayer list even if you don't have the time to go to his CarePage. His name is Coleman Scott Larson (Team Larson).
Below is the link to his updates and I also cut and pasted a conversation his mother had with him and his twin brother (Caden):
"the worrssest part of sem cell twans-pwant is froe-win up, be -tuz I wanted ta sop ann I tuddint."
"It's weally hard -ta take pills when I dinnit want to, tuz I dinnit wike them...but you doan haf no choice, tuz they say ya haf to, so I do my bessest what I tan do.ann I pwayed." (prayed) "It's hard to be hooked up to a pole all day when it's a sun-shiny day, ann be in your hos-pita woom all day when yoa don't wanna be there ann wish ya tould be outside in-said, but NO, ya tan't." "I doan wike tancer- No, not one bit, but ya dotta do what they say ta yust dotta." "When little boys get tancer, it takes a wong time...they haffa det sem cells, ann then they might start-a det better. Then they tan pway adain wif their brudder." "when [my brother] tame down ta see me, It was the bess powt, then I tould cel-e-bwate my day with him ta-dedder. I wanted him there, tuz I missed him, ann I wiked it when he was wif me.that's the best-est medicine that Dod tudda div-ed ta me!" "I wish that no more tids would det tancer, tuz it's tewwible to haffa do all-a the suff what ya dotta do. If no more tids dot it, then we tould all yust be no-mal wif no more pokes."
His twin brother chimes in and says,
"cancer is the worse day of my wife (life) because you don't getta pway wif your brudder when ya weally want to. Sometimes the hospital is fun .if ya aren't froe-in up wike [my brother] does sometimes."
"I wish that no tids ever det tancer, so they tan haff fun all-a their days until they be daddies."

Be Blessed,
Gaye H. Phillips
A Moment in Time
Check out baby Ethan's web site... RIP....(12/05/06--04/05/08)... Continue the fight against Childhood Cancer

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Maybe one day...

Well hopefully I might find time to regularly "do" this blog thing. Staying busy with weddings and seniors right now and loving it. I am truly blessed to do what I love. Keep checking back, you never know when I might really get serious about this blog thing.