Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I think Tuesday was actually Monday!!

Tuesday felt like a Monday to me, that's going on the way the world perceives a "Monday" to feel like, not that I actually know what Monday feels like. The first thing I do when I wake up, before my feet hit the floor, I reach for my glasses. You see, when you're blind as a bat, which I am, grabbing your glasses is a prerequisite to making your way to the bathroom. Well, I went to put them on and something just wasn't right. The left arm was missing!! When I went to bed the night before, as every night the last thing I do is fold my glasses and place them on my nightstand. They were folded when I went to grab them, but obviously when I grabbed them the arm fell to the floor. Well, after scrounging around I finally located the straying arm. This is the first time I've had any trouble with these frames since getting them about 2 years ago. So, as in the past with other frames I assumed the screw just fell out. I go to try to put the arm back in place and try to figure out where the screw actually goes....well, nothing is easy for me on a "Monday", even though it was Tuesday. There is no screw, nor a place for a screw. The arm just mysteriously decided it wanted to strike out on it's own, I guess. I tried, unsuccessfully to insert the arm back in it's rightful position, but It didn't want to stay. Almost running late, I had to put it aside until I could make it to the kitchen to figure out what to do. Actually getting dressed and presentable for the day went surprisingly well. I make my way down the hall with my one-armed glasses resting cockeyed on the bridge of my nose. I arrive in the kitchen and search for some "super glue", what a hero "super glue" is. I squirt a little down the hole where the staying arm is supposed to be, hold it for a couple of seconds, and all is well with the world. On with the morning....

I get back home from taking Alison to school, which went amazingly well, since I am insisting that she drives as much as possible, seeing as she will be "legally" driving in a couple of months and needs all the practice she can get. Now my next task is to get Abbey out the door and to her "job coach" by a certain time. As we're trying to get out the door, of course the phone rings, and of course, I feel drawn to answer it. It is my good friend Jennifer. She and her family (our youth minister), bless them, live next door to the church that we attend. I am assigned to change the marquee sign in front of the church building, which I enjoy doing, since I'm such a quote freak. Well, that task was taken care of Monday morning, the real Monday. Jennifer is calling to inform me that one side of the marquee has been violated sometime during the night. The saying (which I love) that I had put up, said,

Your Enemies--
It Messes With
Their Head
Well, some twisted, sicko, I mean some troubled soul, with nothing better to do thought that they would have their jollies and break a limb off a nearby tree and proceed to remove some letters (which several were not recovered--in other words, stolen) to reveal a rather perverted, disgusting phrase (which I will not post here). While out for her morning walk, Jennifer ran into a neighbor who brought it to her attention. She immediately had her oldest son throw on some clothes and go take down the altered message. Well, it turns out that there were a few calls of concern, meaning several people-- members of Greenbrier, acquaintances, and passer-bys --had seen the vulgar message....not good for "business".
Well, I was trying to get Abbey to her appointment, so there was nothing I could do immediately, except fume. I'm thinking, I'll get Abbey to her appointment, then go figure out how many letters were missing (whether it was worth the hassle to report the wrong doing) and what to do next.
I get Abbey to the appointment, not realizing that the appointment was meant for me also. Obviously a lot of "routine" paperwork and acknowledgement of obligations on both the agency and our part. Oh joy, I felt like we were closing on a house.....sign here, here and here, and initial here, here Anyway, an hour and 15 minutes (a valuable hour and 15 minutes) later, we're back in the car headed back to Oxford. We stop to get lunch, which thankfully was uneventful). We move on to one of the job sites so Abbey can turn in her job application, again uneventful. Things are looking's actually beginning to feel like Tuesday, instead of Monday...oh, I forgot, it IS Tuesday. Anyway, I run Abbey home, so I can run some errands and she can do some things around the house.
One of those errands is to make a deposit at the bank from a Wedding that I shot this weekend. (Oh, another story all it's own). I must insert here, that I had already been to the bank the day before to make this deposit, which the check to be deposited just happened to be drawn on the same bank I use for my business. Well, you can guess why it wasn't deposited the day before....I had my suspicions, so I wanted to be sure the funds were guessed it. Again, today, Monday, uh, I mean Tuesday, still not there. I immediately call the customer (they didn't take a honeymoon), at home to leave a answer, no answering machine. At work....she isn't at this office any longer. I get new work number....she isn't here today, she may be off this week, you know she got married this weekend (oh yeah, did she??!!). I head home long enough to fire off an e-mail to her, which she responded late Tuesday night to say she gets paid Friday, and could I wait until Friday and it should be there. Hello, why couldn't you have just told me that LAST Friday, and saved me a couple of trips to the blessed bank. I honestly have no problem with post-dated checks....just clue me in!! We'll see what Friday holds....
I head to the church building to find out what I need to put on the defaced, bare sign. It is suggested what to put, so I go with.....
Our Apologies-
Victim of Vandals
Well to be honest, I wanted to put my favorite previous saying back up there, but I know the twisted, I mean sweet mischievous child, would probably return.... I'll come up with different wording, but the same message and post it again in a few days. "Hakuna Matata"....there are no worries here. God knows who you are.
Ok, now I have to get my equipment ready for a "minor" senior session. Then I'm off to get Alison from school. Once again I get her to drive, to get that all important practice in before the "real" thing. Only this time, a friend (the sister of the senior that I'm photographing) is coming with us. It's soooo much fun to "coach" a 15 year old driving with a friend in the car. What is it, that the 15 year old all of a sudden is a pro and knows more than her mom, who's been driving 28 + years. Anyway, after being in continuous prayer, we made it home safely. We're home for oh, 45 minutes, before we head out to Oxford Lake for the senior session. Once again, I am the driving coach. Student has somewhat of a better attitude. Coach continues to pray and yes, God is good, we arrive safely. The senior session is short and sweet, we are less the friend, who went on her way with her brother and headed home....sweet home.
I must say the evening was uneventful and I enjoyed the peace. God is Good all the time, He just likes to keep things interesting and keep us on our toes. I know my tomorrow is a brighter day, because, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 says, "Therefore we do not lose heart....For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." My worst day here on earth WILL be worth it all...
I pray you all have a blessed day and remember.....
If you find a pathway with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.....

I know, it's been over a week since I posted. I really doubt this fact affected any one's ability to go on with their, get over it, already! I'm just kidding, of course. I've been a little busy, ok, maybe I should say....lazy.

Also, since my last post, my oldest daughter, Abbey had a birthday...October 9 she turned the big "20". Happy Birthday, Abbey!!! Yes, I know, I'm getting old....and have been for some time now, thank you!!

Please continue to remember my little guy, Coleman. He's in New York again, and started his next round of chemo, today after a second relapse. The kid is a fighter and he deserves our prayers. As he was receiving his chemo today, he was actually praying for the kid on the other side of the room who was having a rough time with mouth sores and throwing up. Coleman is only 4 years old, but his faith in God is HUGE!! We could all learn from him.

Have I mentioned lately that I love this time of year. I love to get a good book and sit in my "air chair" on the screened in porch and escape to another place. Well, I have the book, The Lucky One, Nicholas Sparks' newest novel. And speaking of, yes, I got to finally meet my favorite author...Nick!! That one deserves a post all of its own, so you'll have to wait on that one!!

My sweet niece, Katie tagged me, therefore I must oblige....

10 years ago I:
1. Had a 10 and 6 year old & had been married to my sweetie for 12 years.
2. Weighed about 20 lbs. less than I do today :(
3. Lived in another house.
4. Had a different JOB.
5. Was even more computer illiterate than I am today :)

5 things on today's "to do" list: (seeing as it's 11 pm, I'll go for tomorrow's list)
1. Take Alison to school
2. Change the sign at church
3. Visit the "alteration lady"
4. Go to the grocery store
5. Prepare for the wedding I am photographing this weekend.

5 snack I enjoy:
1. Chocolate
2. Popcorn
3. Fresh peaches
4. Gummy Bears
5. Frozen cappuccino from Joe Muggs

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Give back to God
2. Of course, pay off all of our bills
3. Go back to college and set aside enough for Alison's college
4. Invest for Abbey's future
5. Buy a house in the mountains....any mountain.

5 places I have lived:
1. Anniston
2. Montgomery
3. Auburn
4. Birmingham (Roebuck, Vestavia Hills, Alabaster)
5. Oxford

5 jobs I've had:
1. Cashier (Hardee's)
2. Photographer's assistant
3. Office Clerk (BellSouth)
4. Bookkeeper (Hammett Service Center)
5. Photographer (Studio One, Creative Image, Self-employed)

Ok, Casey's already I'm tagging Amanda, Bethany and anyone else who might have time to kill. (By the way, be sure to visit my friend, Amanda's blog, Kughn Watch.)

I hope everyone has a blessed week. Here's my quote for the day....

"If you have never been hated by your child--You have never been a parent"

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Blessed Weekend Indeed...

What an amazing, spirit filled weekend I had this past weekend. Thursday afternoon, seven of my sisters in Christ (Deb, Diane, Denise, Sue, Wanda, Roberta, & Christie) and I headed to Atlanta for the Women of Faith convention. We absolutely were blessed beyond our expectations. Here's a picture of our group....not a great picture, but a picture....

Friday was the pre-conference where there was free seating (not reserved seats). There were probably a couple thousand women or more there by this time. During one of the breaks, as the lights came on, I looked down 2 rows in front of me and saw a friend of mine from Crossbridge Church of Christ in Birmingham, Wendy Hall. I couldn't believe in that crowd of women from all over the Southeast, there, two rows away was a friend. We visited for a few minutes before the next session started. It was great to see her, but I never saw her again the rest of the weekend.

The Women of Faith speakers were wonderful. Some of them included, Patsy Clairmont, Anita Renfroe, Sheila Walsh, Sandi Patty, Nicole C. Mullen, Jan Silvious, Luci Swindoll, and several more. They all had a message about God's Infinite Grace, either through comedy, music, everyday life experiences, from the standpoint of a psychologist, etc. Each were unique in their presentation.

The main message I got was that at some point in our lives, sometimes it's a one time thing, for others it's continuous, but, our lives will be scorched, burned, destroyed....BUT Spring will come and make that life beautiful again, possibly growing something even more beautiful than before... God's grace is a gift, a gift we can't do anything to's God's gift to us, no matter who you are, where you are, or where you've've just got to accept it. Let God bless you.

Another message that stuck with me was Emotions....There are, of course, positive emotions and negative emotions. It's not the positive or negative that's important, it's how we react to the emotion--good or bad. What determines the quality of your life? Your emotions OR your relationship with Christ? The same way that our negative emotions can control our lives, our positive emotions have that same power. Emotions can do two things: they can bring glory to God or they can make people wonder if I really know God. Romans 12:2 tells us to "not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--His good, pleasing and perfect will." It really comes down to the question, is God really in control of my life? Or, am I trying to control everything? Wow, did I need that. I pray daily that I will have the wisdom, to give it all to Him, to allow Him to have control in my life. It's a daily struggle, but God's grace will see me through. He will do the same for each and everyone of us, we just have to accept His grace and seek His will. He is, after all, in control of everything. We were never promised that life would be easy, just that it would be worth it if we follow His plan.

Ok, that's it for the lesson today. Sorry, I got carried away. But the messages from this past weekend and how they were presented absolutely blew me away. The message has been there all along, I realize that. It just really hit home and touched me in a way it never has. Thanks for allowing me to use my blog to put into words what has been swimming around in my head since I got home Saturday night.

Sunday night, my wonderful husband took me to see the movie Nights in Roadanthe. It was nice to have a date with my guy!! The date was great, the movie, no so much. Let's just say I liked the book much more. I do recommend the movie, but if you haven't read the book, I recommend that more so.

And yes, I DID get out bright and early Tuesday morning, to purchase Nicholas Sparks' brand new book "The Lucky One". I haven't been the lucky one and had the time to get started on it, but I plan to in the next few days. Actually, I'm reading "The Shack", (which I highly recommend), for the second time. There is a group of ladies from Greenbrier (WINGS) who meet on Thursday night to discuss "The Shack", so I'm back into that right now.

I don't know about you, but I am so looking forward to this October weekend. I am just loving this weather. We are so blessed....God handy work is so awesome!!

I almost forgot, my little guy, Coleman and his family made it back to New York for his next cancer treatment. Please keep "team Larson" in your prayers as Coleman goes through this new experimental treatment.

"Life is hard, but God is Faithful"