Ok, I, like many of you have a Facebook....why, I don't know, but I have one. This little "tag you're it"....tell us 25 things about yourself....has been going around. I have avoided it like the plague, but after about 50 people "tagged" me, I thought, why not? I finally figured out WHERE on my Facebook to do it....that would be under NOTES, for those un-knowing, like myself. So, last night I started the little 25 things about me list. I FINALLY get through and start "tagging" other "friends" and all of a sudden....POOF.....my screen is blank....WHAT????? I worked so hard on this list. I was furious, so, I calmly shut my computer down....and since it was close to midnight, I went to bed. :) Then, today after about 3 additional "tags", I said ok, I'll try it again. Trying to remember the 25 things I had already typed the night before, I began AGAIN. I get to #19, I believe it was, and right in the middle of a sentence.....POOF.....again it is ALL gone! This is beginning to be a challenge, and one that I AM up to....but forget Facebook....I'm going to my blog....where, I think it's safe. We'll see....
25 Random Facts You May or May Not Know About Me:
1) I was born and raised in Anniston, Alabama.
2) I have one brother, 4 years older than me, whom I fought with our entire growing up years, but secretly I have always adored him. :)
3) I had a bicycle wreck when I was in the 2nd grade and injured my teeth, which was the beginning of a lifetime of dental trouble.
4) An old boyfriend who was also Bobby's best friend, introduced us and oddly enough drove us home the night we met, and had to sit in the car while Bobby walked me to the door.
5) My first job was at Hardee's of Oxford, where I worked with Bobby for about 3 years....fun, fun times.
6) Bobby and I dated for 6 1/2 years before we married....and he was so worth the wait :)
7) I went to Faulkner University for 2 yrs., then transferred to Auburn University for 1 year, until I couldn't stand being away from Bobby, and moved back home to eventually get an Associates Degree in Management from Gadsden Business College.....woohoo!!
8) Bobby's mom passed away 3 months before we married....I really miss not having a mother-in-law!!
9) Bobby and I have 2 wonderful daughters, ages 20 and 16.
10) Bobby and I have been married for 22 1/2 awesome years....He is my BEST FRIEND ever and I adore him!!
11) I also have a best friend that I grew up with, who I still consider my best friend today....the sister I never had....Love ya, Lisa!!
12) In the 22 1/2 years that Bobby and I have been married, we have moved 12 times.
13) I have several people I love in heaven who I can't wait to be reunited with....I am SOOO ready!!!
14) My relationship with my Savior has grown stronger in the past 10 years.....He is my HERO!!
15) After 13+ years of being mis-diagnosed, we have a daughter who was finally diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome this past year....at least we finally KNOW!!
16) I have had Epstein Barr Syndrome for about 20 years....95% or adults have it.
17) I also have Osteo-Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, but they're not going to win!!
18) I love my job and I'm blessed to be able to work for myself from home.
19) I love to see God's beauty through the lens of a camera...He is so awesome.
20) I was once in the hospital for 7 days because of a freak infection from an abscess tooth which had to be surgically removed. But I have THE best dentist EVER, David Cummings. He's also an awesome photographer and mentor.
21) I have to wear a "night guard" religiously EVERY night to keep from breaking anymore teeth and I don't mind wearing it!!
22) I LOVE to cut the grass (riding, of course)...it's my alone time to pray, think, organize my thoughts, goals and plans and even vent if I need to.
23) I am a big fan of Nicholas Sparks and have read ALL of his books and even met him a few months back...He is so down to earth....I knew I liked him for a reason.
24) I have read THE SHACK 3 times and formed the strongest bond with 7 other sisters in Christ anyone could imagine through our "Shack Study".....I LOVE YOU WINGS SISTERS!!
25) I am an avid Auburn fan, my husband is an Alabama fan (his ONLY fault, by the way), my youngest daughter is an Alabama fan (she hasn't matured yet) and my oldest daughter is for whoever has the cutest quarterback. WAR EAGLE!!
Ok, done, and no POOF, so far. I tag anyone who is reading this who haven't already participated. If I can suffer through, so can you ;)
I'll leave you with this until next time.....
"Sometimes we need to forget what we want and remember what we deserve"