Monday, Abbey, Bobby and I headed over to Atlanta and just got back this afternoon. Bobby took Abbey to the American Idol Tour concert, as he does every year. He is such a good dad. I don't have the patience for things like that. Abbey always wants to meet the top 10 "idols" that make the tour. Sometimes that consists of getting there 2-3 hours early and/or staying afterwards. Last year when the tour came to Birmingham was the most successful year for them.
She was able to get her picture made with all 10 of them and of course get their
autographs. However, when the tour is in Atlanta, they don't have as much success. They did get to meet some of them and got all of their autographs except for 3. But they couldn't get Abbey's picture with them. Just pictures of them signing her program. Despite the lack of success, they still enjoyed their Abbey/Dad time. They didn't think to get a picture of themselves....duh!!
While they were at the American Idol Concert, I attended a Photographer's Seminar on Marketing, and Portrait Art. It was great. I love going to seminars and workshops to learn the most up to date work flow ideas from the best in the business. This was probably the most informative one I've been to. The only thing I don't like about these seminars is that they are only 5-6 hours long. Therefore, I feel like I've been thrown a bunch of random puzzle pieces and now I've got to figure out how to make them all work together to form a finished piece of art. But still, I loved it...the theme was...I refuse to participate in a recession. Wow, did I need that!! Anyway, there will be more about this later.
Right now I am worn out, physically and mentally (no, that doesn't take much). So, I'll leave you with a quote and say good night......
"Laugh as much as you Breathe.... Love as long as you Live"
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