Last Thursday, I started in my office and bedroom CLEANING OUT to get ready for a YARD SALE in a couple of weeks. I have never been this serious about a yard sale before, so it's gonna be HUGE!!!! I started in my office Thursday and I just finished late last night, so that should tell you how bad this 13'x7' space was!! But that also means there are treasures to be had, just wait 'til I move on through the house. I am FOCUSED!!! Simplify is the theme!! If I (or any other family member) haven't used it, worn it, read it, played it, etc. in the last year or's out of here!!
Bobby's on nights this week, therefore he sleeps during the day and I can't get back here to work. So, today I took some things that need to be done to the sun room to work on. I did get a few things done, like mounting photos, framing photos, and cleaning out cd files. Then as I finished and walked back through the family room, this is what I found.....
My sweet Lexi and Lola. Were they taking in the lazy rainy Monday, or what. They were definitely chillin'. Then the nosey, "I shall not be ignored" Zeke showed up for his camera time.
Does he have "THE cat look" or what??!! I have never been a cat fan, but Alison, who will bring home any and every animal, if we let her, brought this creature home in her overnight bag from a "friends" house a little over a year ago. Well, after the newness wore off, he became mine, after much denial. He's become my buddy and keeps me company. He is truly a "curious cat" always up in my business, but it's cool. The good thing is, all the animals get along...maybe we humans need to take a lesson from the animals.
One last thing for tonight.....Our niece, Casey is having a birthday today and I want to wish her a Happy Day!! Everyone keep her in your prayers, as she is expecting a precious miracle from God. She is a little anxious for this baby to be healthy, as she had a miscarriage about a year ago. So please lift her up to be at peace. We love you Casey.....Happy Birthday!!
"Into each life a little rain must fall--Who's your umbrella?
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