The Women of Faith speakers were wonderful. Some of them included, Patsy Clairmont, Anita Renfroe, Sheila Walsh, Sandi Patty, Nicole C. Mullen, Jan Silvious, Luci Swindoll, and several more. They all had a message about God's Infinite Grace, either through comedy, music, everyday life experiences, from the standpoint of a psychologist, etc. Each were unique in their presentation.
The main message I got was that at some point in our lives, sometimes it's a one time thing, for others it's continuous, but, our lives will be scorched, burned, destroyed....BUT Spring will come and make that life beautiful again, possibly growing something even more beautiful than before... God's grace is a gift, a gift we can't do anything to's God's gift to us, no matter who you are, where you are, or where you've've just got to accept it. Let God bless you.
Another message that stuck with me was Emotions....There are, of course, positive emotions and negative emotions. It's not the positive or negative that's important, it's how we react to the emotion--good or bad. What determines the quality of your life? Your emotions OR your relationship with Christ? The same way that our negative emotions can control our lives, our positive emotions have that same power. Emotions can do two things: they can bring glory to God or they can make people wonder if I really know God. Romans 12:2 tells us to "not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--His good, pleasing and perfect will." It really comes down to the question, is God really in control of my life? Or, am I trying to control everything? Wow, did I need that. I pray daily that I will have the wisdom, to give it all to Him, to allow Him to have control in my life. It's a daily struggle, but God's grace will see me through. He will do the same for each and everyone of us, we just have to accept His grace and seek His will. He is, after all, in control of everything. We were never promised that life would be easy, just that it would be worth it if we follow His plan.
Ok, that's it for the lesson today. Sorry, I got carried away. But the messages from this past weekend and how they were presented absolutely blew me away. The message has been there all along, I realize that. It just really hit home and touched me in a way it never has. Thanks for allowing me to use my blog to put into words what has been swimming around in my head since I got home Saturday night.
Sunday night, my wonderful husband took me to see the movie Nights in Roadanthe. It was nice to have a date with my guy!! The date was great, the movie, no so much. Let's just say I liked the book much more. I do recommend the movie, but if you haven't read the book, I recommend that more so.
And yes, I DID get out bright and early Tuesday morning, to purchase Nicholas Sparks' brand new book "The Lucky One". I haven't been the lucky one and had the time to get started on it, but I plan to in the next few days. Actually, I'm reading "The Shack", (which I highly recommend), for the second time. There is a group of ladies from Greenbrier (WINGS) who meet on Thursday night to discuss "The Shack", so I'm back into that right now.
I don't know about you, but I am so looking forward to this October weekend. I am just loving this weather. We are so blessed....God handy work is so awesome!!
I almost forgot, my little guy, Coleman and his family made it back to New York for his next cancer treatment. Please keep "team Larson" in your prayers as Coleman goes through this new experimental treatment.
"Life is hard, but God is Faithful"
hum.. i read the book but don't think i liked it... so should i see movie? i mean, richard gere is in it so it can't hurt right? glad you enjoyed your weekend!
The book is better that the movie, but you're right, Richard's worth it either way.
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