Thursday, January 1, 2009

Continuing to catch up...

Ok, moving on...Another rather exciting event on Tuesday, December 23, was the arrival of our great-niece, AraBelle Nicole Ishee. After several fretful trips to the hospital over the past 9 months or so and a long 23 hours of labor for her mother, Casey, AraBelle decided to make her appearance at 11:40 pm. She is perfect, of course and came out weighing 7lbs. 9oz. and was 21.5 in. long. Welcome to the world AraBelle....

On Wed., Dec. 24 we celebrated Christmas with Bobby's family at our house. Not everyone was able to make it, but we managed to have a good time anyway. Casey and AraBelle were unable to be here for obvious reasons, just as Alison and I couldn't 16 short years ago. There was food galore. There was a zoo of dogs, including our 2, Lexi & Lola, then there was Shooter (chocolate Lab) who belongs to Bethany & Marc and Lilly (weimeraner, I know that's not spelled right, but she's a BIG dog) who belongs to Chris and of course the lone cat, Zeke. So it was a day of fun for family and pets. Here are a few pictures from the get-together.... Noah & Alison......

(sweet??) Garrett & Alison....
Marc & Bethany.... Brady, Lucas & Piper.....
Marc, Roger (Bob's Brother), Vicki (Bob's Sister), Garrett, Micah & Katie....
Garrett & Eric....
Bobby & Abbey.....
Family is a great thing....especially when they can be together on Christmas Eve.......


Once everyone left and Bobby went to work....yes, he was on shift and had to work Christmas Eve until Christmas morning :(, So the girls and I went to see AraBelle and Casey for a while. She was still perfect, see........

Once we (actually I) had my fix for the night, we returned home for a warm winter's nap until Santa came and Bobby returned from work....


Christmas morning I got up to start breakfast before everyone got up (yes, I know, very out of character for me, but hey, it's Christmas:)) I knew once the smell permeated the house, Bobby would show up to finish the task, which he did....Am I blessed or what??? Anyway, once the girls got up and we ate, we all commenced to opening gifts..... Alison seems happy, and that is a good thing... Abbey is happy too....good thing again....
Santa even thought the dogs were good and brought them something....
What? Zeke too....hummm

A few things my sweet husband gave me this Christmas....some of my favorites....Reba (seasons 1-4), Mamma Mia!!, Army Wives (season 1) and The the way is probably my new favorite movie. Thanks sweetie!! I love you!!
The big gift was this beauty, my new wireless Photoshop Keyboard and mouse. I guess that means I have to learn myself and quit giving everything to my better half. I think I'm up for the challenge.....
THEN, the best sister-in-law on earth, Vicki (Bobby's sister) gave me my now favorite coffee mug. It says "love the moment", and that's exactly what I try to is so short!! And yes, I like a little coffee with my creamer. She always says I'm hard to buy for, but she always comes through with THE BEST gifts!!:) She also made a donation to St. Jude's Children's Hospital, in my name. How cool is that?? She knows how passionate I am for all those precious kids fighting for their lives. I am truly blessed with the best family. Thanks Vicki!!
Yes, Lexi, that's all....

Well, after all of the gift opening, cleaning up, and getting dressed, we kept our Christmas tradition alive and went to the movies. It was very obvious that there are many families in Calhoun County who have this tradition, as the movie theatre was packed. This year we say "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". A very good, very deep and very long movie, one I highly recommend!!
Moving on to Friday, Dec. 26.....we had to have our AraBelle fix, especially since she is home now. We went to see the best Christmas gift this season, oh, and her mommy, daddy and big brothers. Still perfect and of course another photo shoot....

Big Brother Noah and Princess AraBelle... Well that is how the Christmas season went around the Phillips' house. I pray that everyone was as blessed as we were. I wish you all a happy, safe and blessed New Year.
"May we all count our blessings daily this New Year"

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