On Wed., Dec. 24 we celebrated Christmas with Bobby's family at our house. Not everyone was able to make it, but we managed to have a good time anyway. Casey and AraBelle were unable to be here for obvious reasons, just as Alison and I couldn't 16 short years ago. There was food galore. There was a zoo of dogs, including our 2, Lexi & Lola, then there was Shooter (chocolate Lab) who belongs to Bethany & Marc and Lilly (weimeraner, I know that's not spelled right, but she's a BIG dog) who belongs to Chris and of course the lone cat, Zeke. So it was a day of fun for family and pets. Here are a few pictures from the get-together.... Noah & Alison......
Once everyone left and Bobby went to work....yes, he was on shift and had to work Christmas Eve until Christmas morning :(, So the girls and I went to see AraBelle and Casey for a while. She was still perfect, see........
Once we (actually I) had my fix for the night, we returned home for a warm winter's nap until Santa came and Bobby returned from work....
Christmas morning I got up to start breakfast before everyone got up (yes, I know, very out of character for me, but hey, it's Christmas:)) I knew once the smell permeated the house, Bobby would show up to finish the task, which he did....Am I blessed or what??? Anyway, once the girls got up and we ate, we all commenced to opening gifts..... Alison seems happy, and that is a good thing...
Abbey is happy too....good thing again....
Santa even thought the dogs were good and brought them something....
What? Zeke too....hummm

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