I refuse to let the above news overshadow the GREAT news we got today. Our niece, Casey, found out today that she is having a GIRL. Yes!! I love my great nephews, but it is past time for a girl. Well, we do have a couple of great nieces already, but we only see them a couple of times a year, if that. This little princess will be just down the road. Talk about a perfect model for Aunt Gaye's picture takin' fix. Everyone, please do continue to pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy for mom and baby. God is great!!
As most of you know my hubby, has been on a diet/exercise program for about 4 months or so now. He has always been overweight, so have I :o). Anyway, back in April I had some blood work done and I was told to be careful, because I was border-line diabetic and my cholesterol was out the roof, not to mention needing to lose some weight. So, I adjusted my diet, therefore we all adjusted our diet. Bobby got on board gung ho. He started out limiting his calories each day, as I did. He also started using our stationary bike that had been stationary alright....in the corner with cobwebs on it. Anyway, I digress. He also began riding his bike outside when the weather was good. Eventually he rode only outside, about 10-12 miles a day. It quickly became an "obsession"....to say the least. But I'm not complaining, he was dropping the weight and feeling good, not to mention, he wasn't SNORING anymore!!! Yeah!!! All along we were eating healthier and watching our daily calorie intake. I returned to have followup blood work 3 months after the first visit and my cholesterol level had come down over 60 points and I had lost about 12 lbs. I was pumped. Even though Bobby was way ahead of me....he was dropping weight faster, which I know, stinking men tend to have that gift. Anyway, he became so obsessed with this bike thing, I was feeling like a bicycling widow.
Well, he took it even farther and purchased a Cannondale Trail Bike...not your everyday Wal-Mart bike, but a BIKE. I considered this his "mid-life crisis" purchase and informed him of this, in which case he wasn't allowed another "mid-life crisis" purchase in the future. He agreed, (we'll see). So, now, at least until football season starts (in a week) every Saturday or Friday, if he's off, he'll load his BIKE up and take off to the Talladega National Forrest management area in Choccolocco for some serious trail riding.
from kids on 4-wheelers. Last Saturday, I met him in the management area and took a few shots of him on the trail. Here's my little trail riding BIKE enthusiast...oh, by the way, he didn't get a starting weight, but we estimate he has lost approximately, 54 lbs. Is that great or what!!! We were at Outback the other night and he ordered steamed veggies with his dinner.....WHAT??? I've never been able to get him to eat broccoli!!!??? He said he was "craving" steamed vegetables. Who is this man and what has he done with my husband??? I am actually loving it, even though he's getting a little cocky about it all!! I guess you're all wondering, I've only lost about 15 lbs. and fluctuate with that. I've got to get a bit more serious with the exercise program. I let you know how that goes. I'm proud of you Bobby!!! Your are looking good and I know you are feeling better. Keep it up!! I love YOU!!
A short update on Coleman....they are in NYC and in between scans, MRI's, etc. they are enjoying the Big Apple. They are from Iowa and live on a farm in the middle of acres of corn fields, so NYC is a little different scenery for them. Coleman's twin brother, Caden loves the pigeons and wants to take them home. He also promises he saw a rat in the street one day while they were walking and wants to bring some cheese the next time to try and catch it. Coleman found a little sign from God while out on the town. He found a coin that has the imprint, "With God All Things Are Possible". Then they got word that the tumors on his spine have responded to the last round of chemo. The disease is still there, but not as much. They are cautiously optimistic, because this is exactly what happened the last time. But they are looking forward to meeting with the Dr. on Thursday to discuss the 2 options they have as what route to take next. Options are good. Continue to pray!! Prayer works and it is working. Thank you for praying for my little buddy!!
Good night and may God bless the city of Oxford.
"We must go through the valley to stand upon the mountain"