Below is a video of 165 little warriors of Childhood Cancer and heroes who have earned their wings. This video was created by Mimi Avery, the mother of Julian, who earned his wings January 19, 2008 at the age of 4 1/2. All he wanted was to be 5 years old and go to kindergarten, but when he realized that might not happen, all he wanted was for everyone to wear yellow and not black to his funeral. Because yellow reminds him of the sunshine, and he wanted everyone to think of the sunshine when they thought of him. It's just not right....I never met Julian in person, but I have learned so much through him....truly wise beyond his 4 1/2 years. Please click on the link below to view the video.....
So what can you do? There are a few very easy things!
1. Become a Bone Marrow Donor. Many times the only way to save the life of a cancer patient is through a bone marrow transplant. Now through September 22, The Nascar Foundation is paying the $50 fee so you can sign up for FREE! Be a hero. Be a Bone Marrow Donor.
2. Go out to eat! Seriously! On September 29th Chilis restaurant will be donating 100% of their proceeds to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. What better way to help cancer research?! In the meantime, go Create a Pepper for Kennedy! Be sure to post the link so she can see it!
3. Go sign this petition!!!
4. Check out It's 4 the Kids. Bookmark it and visit often. There are LOTS of ways to help on there!
5. Go to Complete The Cure and watch the videos. For every video you watch sponsors will donate 25 cents to the Children's Cancer Research Fund. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it adds up quickly!
6. Most importantly, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY and spread the word!!! Talk and talk and talk until someone HEARS us.
Here are a few fact about Childhood Cancer: Did you know?
*Each school day, 46 children are diagnosed with cancer.
*On the average 12,500 children and teens will be diagnosed with some form of cancer each year in this country.
*One in 330 children will develop cancer by age 20.
*Although the 5 year survival rate is steadily increasing, one quarter of children will die 5 years from the time of diagnosis.
*Cancer remains the #1 disease killer of America's children - more than Cystic Fibrosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Asthma and AIDS combined.
*In the U.S. almost 3,000 children do not survive cancer each year.
*Over the past two decades, only ONE new cancer drug has been approved for pediatric use.
*Currently there are between 30-40,000 children undergoing cancer treatment in the U.S.
*As a nation, we spend over $14 BILLION per year on the space program, but only $35 MILLION on Childhood Cancer Research each year.
*There are 15 children diagnosed with cancer for every one child diagnosed with pediatric AIDS. Yet, the U.S. invests approximiately $595,000 for research per victim of pediatric AIDS and only $20,000 for each victim of childhood cancer.
*Research funds are scarce as most money is diverted to well-publicized adult forms of cancer, such as breast and prostate.
*Right now, this second, somewhere in America, there are 7 children fighting for their lives who won't live through the day.
I believe Julian, at 4 1/2 years old, lived the quote below....we can all learn from Julian.

"It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." ~Abraham Lincoln
Everyone have a blessed day of worship tomorrow....
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