Below is the September update from Coleman's Mom that she posted on their CarePages site. I got permission from her to pass it on to you all. So, let me introduce you to Peggy Larson, Coleman's mom........
September 11,
I debated sharing this, as it was just my rambling thoughts I put down earlier today…(of course if you read Coleman's carepage, you're used to my ramblings by now!)
I also didn’t want to offend anyone who lost loved ones in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, or diminish the tragedy of that horrible day. I hope if you read this you’ll know that isn’t my intention at all. Sept. 11, 2001 will be engraved in all our memories forever.
We all remember what we were doing 7 years ago (doesn’t seem like that long!)…when we saw the horrific pictures on the news. Do you remember the feeling in the pit of your stomach as you watched over and over the planes crashing- and first tower crumble, then your breath taken away watching the second? Do you remember??? I remember coming home from work and watching as the stories were read, and sobbing my heart out. I remember the wrongness of it all… Do you remember hearing the phone calls of people stuck in their offices? Calls from innocent people in the planes to their families telling them what was going on? Some saying their good-byes? Imagine how desperate they felt…not knowing what was in their near future. Would they make it out of the nightmare they were in? Some had to be so struck with fear, they froze….some stood up and fought…. Some helped others, only to lose their own lives. What would YOU do in a moment like that? If you found yourself in a situation that chaotic and terrifying-
I felt the same disbelief and helplessness 5 years/10 days later… September 21, 2006. A plane crashed through our lives as we listened to Coleman’s doctor say “We found a tumor”…the breath was knocked out of us, I felt like a spectator watching with my hand over my mouth...watching everything around us crumbled like the towers. Our son was under attack.
We’ve been on our own “floor” or “hijacked plane” for almost 2 years now. Our future is uncertain. We’re picking up the rubble only to be knocked down again and again. We try to stay as positive as we can, (we TRUST GOD is with us) and I know we aren’t supposed to, but we can’t help it- the fear is there. It’s real. We watch the hell Coleman goes through with treatments. It’s like watching repeats of the planes crashing over and over again…time after time…as he fights on. We watch kids around us, in the same ‘burning building’…other parents with the same look of shock in their eyes. We don’t even have to speak words- we KNOW what they’re feeling. We have a bond with them much like anyone who goes through a tragedy together. Seven years ago the nation was hopping mad (myself included) that such horror could come to this country we love…. So many innocent lives were lost; so much taken away from us. I’m hoping our nation and political leaders will realize we’re still under attack. Cancer is a terrorist that doesn’t care who you are, where you’re from, how much money you have, it’s going to strike. It’s just as horrific and merciless as the terrorists were on that awful day. It’s crashing into people’s lives, attacking their world as they knew it. It's taking lives. It’s destroying carefree childhoods, destroying bank accounts, destroying family time, destroying any ‘normalcy’ it's victims once knew. Too many children in our country are crumbling. Families are left standing in the quiet ashy aftermath of this monster, wondering in disbelief what just happened in front of their eyes, and where to go from there.I’m praying we finally take a stand and say "we aren’t taking it ANYmore." Childhood cancer is unacceptable! One new drug for pediatric cancer in the past 20 years is unacceptable. Only 3% of all cancer funding going to pediatric research is unacceptable. We need to fight back!!! We’re banding our own war on this monster, but we can’t do it alone. We need an army.
Here are some ways you can help…
**First of all, if you haven’t signed the petition…PLEASE do it now! Please ask at least one person (I’m hoping you’ll ask more,) but at least ONE other to sign it. PLEASE. Ask people for their email and home address, and if you can sign it FOR them!
click here to SIGN THE PETITION.....
Did you know there is a junior high girl in Des Moines collecting signatures from teachers at her school? She doesn't have a sibling with cancer, she's doing it simply because she has a good heart. She's willing to stand with us...(thanks MacKenzie!!!) Won't you? Gather some signatures PLEASE!!! Every one counts, and people are willing, if you'll only ask.
**You can wear a gold ribbon- Tell everyone you know (and don’t know) about the kids in this war. Talk about their battles…Talk about the casualties. Talk about the HEROES. Help bring awareness.
**Click on these links…check them out. Don’t think you can’t make a difference, because YOU CAN! We need to start somewhere. Start today. You can stand with us and FIGHT against any more attacks. Together we WILL be heard…we WON’t GIVE UP UNTIL WE ARE!!! Our kids need a voice in this and join PEOPLE AGAINST CHILDHOOD CANCER
Go to to find out more ways to help
**Eat at Chili's this month- a portion of their proceeds will go toward Childhood cancer research- Sept 29th ALL proceeds donated.
So something- anything to help bring awareness to our fight.
Don’t stand frozen because it isn’t affecting you...because it’s too sad, or you’re too scared. I’m here to tell you, it COULD BE YOU- IT COULD BE YOUR CHILD! Wouldn’t you want someone to stand with you in your fight?We took a moment of silence today to pray for the way too many families who lost love ones on 9/11. Our country was forever changed that day. We remember. We honor those who lost their lives way too soon…it was wrong, plain wrong. September 11th- is a day none of us will (or ever, ever should) forget. This post was not made to take ANY honor or importance away from people who lost their loved ones in the attack of 2001.
Sadly, Sept 11 2008 will be remembered as diagnosis day for 46 families (46 kids diagnosed EVERY single day) A 'terrorist' attacked 46 times today, and there are parents standing in shock tonight.Tomorrow it will happen again….and the next day, and the next, and next... until we do something to STOP it. We prayed for the parents who had to bury their children today- an estimated 2,500 kids will pay the price this year …7 each and every day. WE PRAY FOR A CURE!!! The children of our country deserve it. They need US to stand together and say “ENOUGH”. Won’t you stand with us? Quoting the hero Todd Beamer…“LET’S ROLL.”

Blessings to you all,(and thanks for being on our TEAM!)
There is really nothing more that I can add to that, except, continue to pray for Coleman, his family and ALL the kids fighting this attack on their little bodies. Here's the quote for the day....
"Don't ever give up" --Coleman Larson, age 4
Have a Blessed weekend, Gaye
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