In addition to the cleaning out, pricing, setting up and having the 2 day yard sale, I've had several senior portrait sittings in between. So, needless to say, the 'ole blog was put on the back burner.
Once I get through all of the editing the next few days, things might slow down a bit. Except for the fact that September seems to be THE birthday month for family and friends. We have at least 6 nieces and nephews and 4 family friends who have their birthdays in September. And before we know it Abbey's birthday will be here (Oct. 9), then Alison's big 16 (Dec. 23). Christmas time is coming fast. But, before that is my favorite season of all......Autumn. I love the fall leaves and the crisp air.
A quick update on my C-man (Coleman). Team Larson is back home in Iowa for a few weeks of more chemo, before they head back up to NYC for the new treatment to try and rid little Coleman of the nasty beast of cancer. Also, please remember that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Continue to keep Coleman, his family and all the kids who are fighting cancer in your prayers.
In the next few weeks in between the not so busy days, my goal is to take time to go through a few on-line/personal photography courses. There's always more to's never ending. In other words, the blogging may be few and far between the next few weeks, so bare with me, I'll be around, just busy. Oh, I almost forgot, I've got a wedding to shoot in October also...busy, busy, busy.
I did find this along the road one morning last week after I dropped Alison off at school.....
I'll leave you with this quote, until next time....
"All art is the expression of man's delight in God's work, not his own."
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