First of all, don't forget September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. SO, please remember, if you are near a Chili's restaurant on Monday, September 29, PLEASE eat there. ALL of their proceeds that day are donated to Childhood Cancer Research. I know there isn't a Chili's around Oxford, AL. But there is one in Gadsden, which is only about a 30-45 min. drive. Our family will be making Sept. 29 a family night out and take a trip to Chili's. I hope others will also. Please spread the word.
Another little guy I follow on Caring Bridge--Cole--earned his angel wings this past Friday. The little guy was just diagnosed July 26, 2008, one month after his 3rd birthday. His family had less than 2 months from the time he was diagnosed, and more than half that time he was sedated. His Caring Bridge site is Please pray for Cole's parent should have to bury their child!
And please remember Coleman, as they will return to New York next week to begin his new treatment. They were pretty concerned about the date, Sept. 21, this past Sunday. You see that was the date 2 years ago that he was diagnosed, then on that same date 1 year ago, they were told he had relapsed. He is in his second relapse and remember he won't be 5 years old until this December. That little guy has been through more in his short 4 years than most adults will go through in their entire lifetime.
Here is a portion of Peggy's (his mom) post from yesterday.....
One more week before we leave for NYC. We have a LOT we want to fit in, lot

Cman’s prayer when he went to bed last night…“ann Dod, Fank you for wettin us haf the BESSESS day in the woe-ld (world) today. You maked it a DWATE (great) day for me. Fank you Dod. Ann pweeze Dod wet Day-weck (Derek) det outta the hos-pi-ta ann have fun too.” THAT one was already answered! Our little friend Derek got to go home today- YAY Derek! (cp: derekellerbeck2007)
Oh how I love to hear Coleman pray. His prayers are so heartfelt, and he never ends without thinking of someone who needs to be prayed for…often many…)
We appreciate your continued prayers for Coleman’s complete healing. We not letting up…we’re letting God KNOW our desires, and we know He’s listening….we’re praising him for the blessings He’s given us yesterday, today and tomorrow.
This is the link to Coleman's link, if you want to read more of his deep thoughts and prayers.... You'll have to create a password, if you haven't visited CarePages before.
Okay, everyone......Are you ready for this Friday, Sept. 26,'s the opening of the movie.....Nights in Rodanthe, based on Nicholas Sparks' book. Here's a link to view the trailer..... I'll have to wait until Saturday or Sunday night to make my first viewing of the movie (notice I said first), because I will be leaving Thursday afternoon headed here.....

About 8 ladies from church are attending the Women of Faith Conference in Atlanta. The theme is Infinite Grace. We'll be back Saturday evening. So, Nights in Rodanthe will have to wait a day or two. I'm pretty pumped about the women's conference and spending time with my sisters in Christ and meeting other sisters I didn't even know about!! I'll let you know more about that next week.
On to the next news....Tuesday, September 30, 2008 I will be headed to the local Books A Million first thing to purchase this beauty.... The newest Nicholas Sparks book....The Lucky One. Can you

Well, except for the nip in the air and sleeping with the windows open, I guess that's all the excitement I have for this post. I pray that everyone is feeling as blessed as I do. God is Good....ALL the time!! I'll leave you with this quote....
"Every 60 seconds you spend angry, upset, worrying or mad, is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back"